
Baby roo.

Yesterday when I arrived at the zoo, I noticed a sling around the vet's neck, and I knew that momma kangaroo had died. She was starting to do better, but I guess she just deteriorated overnight and had to be euthanized. 

So in the sling around the vet's neck was baby roo. Luckily, marsupial babies aren't terribly difficult to raise (the pouch thing is pretty helpful), but they are kinda messy (the whole, pooping in the sling and rolling around in it thing). And heavy. So to give the vet a break, I was on baby roo duty all morning.

She didn't want to hold still (too busy trying to nibble on everything she could get her mouth on).
Other than that, I didn't do much. Just cleaned a few things. And I was growled at by an adorably grumpy raccoon named Dan, who was angry that I was cleaning things near his isolation cage.

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